Prepare your frontline summer camp staff with the help of Expert Online Training (EOT), the e-learning leader in the youth development space.
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EOT's professional videos cover topics including child welfare and protection, leadership, youth development and play, mental health and behavior, physical and emotional safety and supervision. The videos feature some of the most respected educators in youth development.
We’re thrilled to partner with EOT in providing Church Mutual customers a 20% discount on EOT’s offering. Your camp will benefit from access to a comprehensive library of engaging videos, quizzes and handouts demonstrating best practice. Your staff can learn on their own schedule via EOT's easy-to-use app, and camp management can easily track and monitor participation and comprehension. Click below to book your demo.
Church Mutual Insurance Company, S.I. (a stock insurer) | P.O. Box 357 | 3000 Schuster Lane | Merrill, WI 54452-0357 | Telephone (800) 554-2642 or (715) 536-5577
© 2025 Church Mutual Insurance Company, S.I. All rights reserved. Protecting the Greater Good is a registered trademark of Church Mutual Insurance Company, S.I.
¹ Church Mutual is a stock insurer whose policyholders are members of the parent mutual holding company formed on 1/1/20. S.I. = a stock insurer.