Get affordable, extensive coverage in the event that personal and private information your organization stores on computers is compromised or stolen.
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As a leader of an organization, you may have files full of confidential papers or a computer folder that houses credit card numbers or other personal information. Unfortunately, it is becoming all too common these days for hackers to retrieve that information through computer systems or files to end up in the wrong hands. Church Mutual has recognized the need to protect their customers from any potential data breaches and has the relevant coverage in place to protect your most important files.
Church Mutual now provides cyber liability coverage under your multi-peril policy. We offer affordable, extensive coverage when the personal and private information your organization stores on computers is compromised or stolen. Claims are managed by Beazley's award winning claims team.
Church Mutual is the leading insurer of religious institutions, insuring nearly twice as many religious institutions as its closest competitor. Beazley is an industry leader in privacy and security coverage. We are confident that this partnership will continue bringing you the excellent service from Church Mutual that you have come to expect.
A data breach isn't always a disaster. Mishandling it is. When your organization suffers a data breach, our first concern is to handle the breach in a way that upholds your confidence. Beazley pioneered data breach insurance that focuses first and foremost on response and has a dedicated in-house business unit that focuses exclusively on helping you manage data breaches effectively.
The BBR Services team focuses on coordination of expert forensic, legal, notification and credit monitoring services that you need to satisfy data and privacy legal requirements and reassure your organization. In addition, the policy covers certain losses arising from a regulatory proceeding, the risk of which may be reduced by a well-coordinated breach response but can never be completely eliminated. Besides coordinating data breach response, BBR Services is responsible for maintaining and developing Beazley's suite of risk management services, designed to minimize the risk of a data breach occurring.
Beazley invented this comprehensive approach and has helped more than 12,000 clients manage data breaches swiftly and successfully.
Access Beazley's Loss Management
Just take a look at the following examples to learn why everyone should have appropriate coverage.
The United States Secret Service identified a potential HIPAA breach that may have compromised data for 100 residents. As a result, an experienced team of dedicated cyber claims specialists quickly engaged a breach coach and a forensic investigator. Knowledgeable partners helped ensure the incident was properly handled and reported to the state regulatory agencies.
A pastor's laptop containing members' private financial information was stolen from his home. As a result, members sued the church for damages resulting from alleged failure to protect their private financial information.
A conference center's computer system was compromised when a third party sent a malware program via email to a number of employees. The invasive software allowed the third party to access the system and capture the names, addresses and credit card numbers of more than 500 guests.
A private school secretary stole a donor's credit card information, resulting in a forensic investigation, a lawsuit and a Payment Card Industry (PCI) fine. The total cost of investigation, fine and settlement approached $50,000.
A staff member at an assisted living facility commented on a resident's health matter on a social media site. The HIPAA violation and resulting legal expenses exceeded $250,000.
An online religious bookstore had its transaction processing system hacked. Thieves collected credit card data over the course of one year before the Secret Service notified the retailer's manager. A credit card company issued thousands of dollars of PCI-related contractual fines and penalties to the payment processor who, in turn, contractually passed the obligation to the bookstore.
A lockbox containing employee and direct deposit information was stolen from the main office. As a result, current and former employees' personally identifiable information including social security numbers was taken. Legal obligations may include notifications and credit monitoring for current and former employees.
Church Mutual Insurance Company, S.I. (a stock insurer) | P.O. Box 357 | 3000 Schuster Lane | Merrill, WI 54452-0357 | Telephone (800) 554-2642 or (715) 536-5577
© 2025 Church Mutual Insurance Company, S.I. All rights reserved. Protecting the Greater Good is a registered trademark of Church Mutual Insurance Company, S.I.
¹ Church Mutual is a stock insurer whose policyholders are members of the parent mutual holding company formed on 1/1/20. S.I. = a stock insurer.