Protect people, property, business continuity, reputation and financial bottom line with Bernstein Crisis Management, an industry expert with more than 30 years of experience.
Are you a new or current customer with a question about Church Mutual or a specific coverage type? We're here to help.
We’ve partnered with Bernstein Crisis Management to provide a complimentary 30-minute consultation to Church Mutual customers undergoing a crisis situation. Together, we also offer resources to support Church Mutual customers’ organizations before, during and after a crisis.
If you are a Church Mutual customer undergoing a crisis — or any situation that threatens to harm people or property, seriously interrupts operations or damages your organization’s reputation — call (866) 552-7772.
Church Mutual Insurance Company, S.I. (a stock insurer) | P.O. Box 357 | 3000 Schuster Lane | Merrill, WI 54452-0357 | Telephone (800) 554-2642 or (715) 536-5577
© 2025 Church Mutual Insurance Company, S.I. All rights reserved. Protecting the Greater Good is a registered trademark of Church Mutual Insurance Company, S.I.
¹ Church Mutual is a stock insurer whose policyholders are members of the parent mutual holding company formed on 1/1/20. S.I. = a stock insurer.